Asset Living’s Kayla Costa, Marketing Transitions Associate, Office Love List in Phoenix, Arizona

Asset Living
May 20, 2024
min read
Asset Living’s Kayla Costa, Marketing Transitions Associate, Office Love List in Phoenix, Arizona

Discover the charm beyond our office walls! The Office Love List is your guide to the many neighborhood and community perks that make working at Asset Living a delight. In this edition, we're looking into the local gems that add flavor to our workplace within the Biltmore Phoenix area. Today, we will hear from Asset Ambassador and Marketing Transitions Associate Kayla Costa, who works in the Asset Living Phoenix Corporate Office.  

Working near the Biltmore and Arcadia area is a luxury. The area is beautiful, surrounded by mountains, architecture, and greenery. Pulling up to work with the early morning sunrise behind the palm trees is a sight that never gets old. In addition to the views, this area is full of diverse dining, entertainment, and shopping that anyone can indulge in.  

Local Spotlight:  

Hava Java is a local coffee shop located right down the street from the Phoenix Corporate Office. It is a popular go-to spot for residents and business professionals. They offer amazing coffee and customer service that you won’t want to miss!  

Team Favorites:

My team’s favorite office hotspot is our conference room! We use this space for meetings and trainings, team bonding events, special occasions, and holidays. So many laughs and memories have been shared in this special space.  

Favorite Lunchtime Spot:  

Our local go-to lunch spots are LGO’s, Chelsea’s Kitchen, Collins, and Zin Burger. You can’t go wrong with any choice you make, which makes it hard for us to choose a food outing; they’re all delicious!    

Team Bonding Adventures:  

One of our team hotspots is The Porch in Arcadia. We've had a few fantastic happy hours here with colleagues. They have great food, and the outdoor seating is perfect for larger groups. We always have some post-workday laughs when we are all together.    

For any questions regarding our properties or services, please feel free to reach out to us via our contact form. To learn more about available career opportunities by visiting Asset Living’s careers page.  

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